Beware the Nice Ones: Some of the cast can be considered very amiable, polite, and even charming, but every one of them is said to be among the most dangerous people in the world.Even the "Meet The Spy" video can be considered an inverted version of this trope. Because I'm Good At It: Most mercenaries who feature in the interview-style "Meet the" videos offer this justification for why they do what they do.Battle Cry: Each class has a few, and everyone yells at the beginning of a round.Band of Brothers: They do seem to care about each other, to various degrees.Badass Transplant: The mercs' hearts have been replaced by those of a Mega Baboon, otherwise they wouldn't survive an ÜberCharge.The mercs are none of these and somehow manage to come out on top every time. Badass Normal: This is a setting with wizards, robots, and Saxton Hale.Badass Crew: Each of them can rack up a high body count just on their own.Badass Boast: A mercenary holding a melee weapon, facing an enemy, and using the Battle Cry voice command (C -> 2) will give one.

Ax-Crazy: Some more than others, but that's why we love them!.On the other end of the scale, Demo lives in a mansion, Medic has access to expensive medical equipment and black market organs, and Spy drives a Ferrari and spends thousands of dollars on his suits alone - but they would still be the lowest bidder for their classes. Mann Co is specifically stated to automatically hire the lowest bidder regardless of ability this is especially obvious in the case in the case of Soldier who is depicted as either homeless or a squatter, and Sniper lives in a camper van.They're apparently the laughing-stock of the mercenary world. Army of Thieves and Whores: What we know of most of the histories and personalities of the Mercs suggests that they've made huge mistakes in the past that has resulted in them taking any job they can get.A Lighter Shade of Grey: When fighting Gray Mann and his private army they are more or less presented as the "heroes" in comparison.Affably Evil: The nicer mercs are perfectly pleasant people off (or even on) the battlefield but are violent and remorseless mass murderers as their day job.